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It's OK to be a Scrooge with Utilities this Holiday Season!

Written by Livable Content Team | Oct 18, 2022 10:30:22 PM

It's the most wonderful time of the year! But all those wonderful light displays and colder temps come with a hefty price tag. A few simple changes can help trim utility bills for you and your Residents while saving both energy and water. Be sure to share this list of handy tips with everyone in your properties. What's good for the planet is good for your wallet! 

Switch to LED lights for decorations. Inside or out, LED lights are simply cheaper and more efficient to run than traditional incandescent bulbs. They also last a lot longer, saving even more over time.

Put decorations on timers.  Holiday lights look best after dark anyway - but they don't need to be on all night! Make sure they're only running during peak times by using timers on the lights, inside and out. 

Use light-free options. There's no need to for every piece of garland and swag to be lit up like the Vegas Strip. Mirrors, tinsel, reflective ornaments and other options can boost sparkle without relying on electricity. 

Beyond holiday decorating, this time of year has other options to save on utility use, mostly through preventive maintenance. Some rely on your maintenance team, but Residents can benefit from these tips too - they may not otherwise even think to tell you about a draft that costs everyone money. 

Improve your insulation. Cold air creeps into homes in small spaces, but filling those tiny cracks makes a big impact on your heating costs. Do a check up on the insulation in your windows, attic and basement to ensure you’re not overspending on heating costs to keep your tenants warm. Block the air out before it can get in and your heating costs will be much more manageable! Check out these tips from Popular Mechanics for additional ideas on winterizing windows.

Change the furnace filter. Swapping out your furnace filter on a monthly basis during the cold months is a simple, but highly effective means of saving money and energy. Procrastination on this simple chore may only be delaying the inevitable and potentially causing damage to your furnace at an expensive and burdensome cost.

Disconnect your outdoor hydraulic systems. Be it a garden hose, sprinkler or your AC unit, be sure to disconnect and drain your watering systems to prevent lines freezing overnight. These tasks are simple, but easily put off. Get them done early this fall to avoid a frozen nightmare.  

Have your roof and gutters checked. Prevent winter-related damage to your property by having your roof and gutters routinely checked and patched when necessary. A loose shingle or cracked gutter may have a larger impact than meets the eye. Regularly checking these exterior parts of your home can save an enormous amount of stress when tended to early and often. 

Change your outlet covers. This one may surprise you, but cracked and old outlet plates are not only unappealing to your renters, but can leak small amounts of air. Avoid an unnecessary surge to your heating costs by maintaining clean and undamaged covers on outlets and light switch plates. Routinely replacing outlet covers is a simple way to ensure your property is airtight and winter ready.

Check interior pipes and plumbing fixtures. Cold weather can cause pipes to freeze and even burst, especially when residents are traveling over winter holidays and school breaks. Do any of your pipes need insulation? Check for possible leaks that can become big problems in cold weather. And even though toilet flaps aren’t a seasonal issue, this is a great time to check them to avoid costly leaks later. That includes radiators! 

At Livable, we are all about offsetting costs and helping you save money and energy!  So let’s make this winter season a warmer and more efficient one! By implementing these good practices early and often, you can enjoy the winter season knowing your properties are safe, secure and efficient. Want to know more about how you can make a positive impact for your properties and the environment? For additional winterization tips and information, visit Direct Energy

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