Plant Your Seeds - but there is no need to water them every day

Posted by Livable Content Team on May 14, 2019 7:30:31 PM

At Livable we help manage your utility and water costs through an analytical system designed to help reduce your environmental footprint as well as generate revenue for your property; keeping in mind weather trends from month to month. In California, the winter is the only time of year when some property owners actually look forward to receiving their water bills. Thanks to the season’s heavy rains, there is no need to water outdoor plants, bringing monthly totals down substantially from the dry summer highs. 


What if there was a way to see winter water savings all year round? All it takes is a little planning and a lot of planting. Across California, homeowners are turning to beautiful and economical drought-resistant alternatives to grass. California Department of Water Resources states half the water we use in our homes is spent on outdoor landscaping, so, being mindful about what you plant can really pay off.


Plants that grow naturally in the same area as your property are going to create the most savings as native plants are adapted to local environmental conditions. These plants will require far less water thus saving time, money, and allowing the saved water to be used in more valuable ways.


Keep in mind when planting native plants like any other, they will need a good dousing regularly for the first few months as their root systems are getting established. After three months the plants will need a soaking just once every two or three weeks, and after the first year, the plants should only need to be watered once a month, if at all!


One way to support your plant's water needs in those first months is to invest in a rain harvesting system. Enjoy the freedom to plant at any time of the year with no fear of your water bill hitting the roof. We are passionate about cost-saving solutions for your utility management, book a call today to speak with one of our professionals at Livable.


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Livable_SuperSaver_TipOfTheMonth_v2 (1)                                                                                                                                                    Did you know that easy-to-fix leaks account for 1 trillion gallons of water wasted each year in the U.S.? You can do your part to save water, money and the environment by participating in Fix a Leak Week annually in March. 

The Environmental Protection Agency sponsors this exciting annual community event and included is everything from family fun runs to leak detection contests. Most are free and all are designed to train Americans from coast to coast on how to spot and fix household leaks.