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8 Tips To Be An Ideal Resident

Posted by Livable Content Team on Aug 25, 2023 9:10:56 AM

Being an ideal renter goes beyond simply paying your rent on time, although that is number 1! It also involves cultivating a positive and respectful relationship with the Property Manager or Housing Provider while fostering your home and the sense of community within other Residents. Whether you're a first-time renter or looking to enhance your renting experience, here are some essential tips to help you become an ideal renter. 

5 Ways to Save on Water In Your Bathroom

Posted by Livable Content Team on Aug 18, 2023 4:27:19 PM

5 Ways to Reduce Your Water Bill in Your Bathroom

With environmental concerns, especially a lack of clean drinking water, becoming increasingly urgent, saving water in our homes has never been more crucial. By implementing small changes in your daily routine, you can make a more positive impact on the environment than you might expect.Adopting water-saving practices in your bathroom, reduces your utility bill, and also contributes to a more sustainable future. To help get you started, try these 5 simple tips to start practicing good water conservation in your own bathroom.



Smart saver tip of the month

Did you know? Many power plants run on hydropower, meaning using energy when you don't need is actually another way you could be wasting water. 


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