Latest stories on utility-bill

Rent Control Comes to Every Property in California

Posted by Livable Content Team on Nov 1, 2019 4:29:00 PM

 After ignoring the will of the voters, who just last year decided against loosening statewide restrictions on rent control, California state legislators recently passed a new law that will cap annual rent increases at 5 percent plus inflation.

Sunlight and Savings

Posted by Daniel S. Sharabi on Jul 1, 2019 1:27:00 PM

At Livable we are committed to promoting conservation through billing and education and make sure to keep up to date on all power and utility options.


Smart saver tip of the month

Insulating water pipes is a quick and inexpensive way to lower water-heating costs. The easy upgrade reduces heat loss and allows you to lower your buildings’ water temperature setting by two to four degrees. Plus, since water doesn’t take as long to heat up, less of this precious resource is wasted waiting for faucets and showers to get to the appropriate temperature.

On smaller buildings, this is a definite DIY job that should take less than a day to complete. Check out the U.S. Department of Energy’s website for a comprehensive shopping list and step-by-step instructions.