Latest stories on rubs

Reaching Younger Renters: Sustainability is Key

Posted by Livable Content Team on Nov 2, 2022 9:13:41 PM

Baby Boomers, long the drivers of consumer culture in the United States., are no longer top of the pecking order. Millennials and Gen Z, the generation after them, have taken over! Millennials are now the largest of all living generations. Gen Z, mostly the children of the smaller Gen X, aren't far behind. And both generations are less likely to become homeowners, which makes them your target market. 

Why aren't these younger generations buying homes the way their parents and grandparents did? It's partially an economy that has left them with flat wages and staggering college debt, but it's also a different set of values. Younger Millennials especially are driven more by experiences than ownership; they'd rather rent and let someone else deal with the hassles of maintenance than buy a house they have to deal with, in many cases. Buildium characterized them as a generation of "forever renters:"  

"The combination of low savings rates, inflation, high interest rates, and the aversion to staying in one place permanently, is making 1 in 4 Millennials give up on home ownership. In 2018, by contrast, only 13.3% of Millennials expected to rent for the rest of their lives. 

Millennials are relishing the upsides of renting too. Like the flexibility to relocate for career, travel, and family. They can upgrade proportionally to their income. It gives access to more amenities. There’s less maintenance, risk, and responsibility that comes with renting as well." 

Along with that flexibility, great amenities, myriad payment options and digital-first experiences, from paperwork to payments, Millennials and Gen Z both look for places to live that align with their values. Top on that list? Sustainability. That means a lot of things, including walkability and bike access to areas around where they live.

That also includes conservation. They don't want to print anything - digitally signed leases and contracts are paramount. It's a faster way to do business that doesn't waste paper or put ink into landfills and water supplies. 

They want to see things like LEED certifications, local energy efficiency grades, Energy Star-rated appliances, low flow showerheads and other sustainable features in their apartment buildings. Marketing the sustainability of your property will help attract these younger tenants, most of whom will be long term. 

Some do's and don'ts when it comes to marketing your sustainability to potential residents: 

  • Don't make false claims. They will find out! 
  • Do actually pursue sustainable practices. Even if you're just getting started, taking steps toward conservation will impress younger potential tenants. 
  • Do remember to use social media when marketing your available residences. (NOT Facebook!) 
  • Do look for sustainable features you already have in place but might not think of to feature in listings and promotions. Sustainability isn't just EV charging stations or solar panels on the roof! Those things are great, but less sexy, everyday features like lower volume toilets, smart lighting, available recycling pickup and energy efficient appliances matter too. 
  • Do mention if you're using a Ratio Utility Billing System (RUBS) to inspire your residents to conserve through accountability and education. 

Attracting younger residents who are spending more of their income on where they live makes for a better bottom line. Highlighting sustainability practices in your marketing efforts is key to reaching that audience. 

6 Tips to Help You Save Energy This Summer

Posted by Livable Content Team on Jun 6, 2022 9:00:00 AM

As temperatures continue to rise, staying cool this summer means an increase on your utility bills. While the rising heat impacts financial and environmental factors, there are habits you and your Residents can apply to your daily summer living to reduce those financial and environmental impacts. By following these simple summer energy-saving tips, you and your Residents can keep the temperature, and your budget, well within your comfort zone.

4 Common Utility Billing Mistakes That Hurt Your Bottom Line

Posted by Livable Content Team on Apr 11, 2022 10:00:00 AM

In a world of softening rental markets and rising utilities, utility cost recovery is essential to your bottom line!  Even a simple mistake in your billing system can end up costing thousands. Avoid these four common utility billing errors to keep your investments healthy.

Leasing: What A Property Manager Needs To Know About Rent Control

Posted by Livable Content Team on Mar 9, 2022 12:37:07 PM

Rent control refers to legislation restricting rental rates in a city or state. The maximum rent that can be charged for a unit and the amount that the rent can be increased per year varies per municipality. Cities use rent control laws to regulate the housing market.

Save Money On Utility Bills With This Internet-enabled device

Posted by Livable Content Team on Feb 6, 2022 12:00:00 PM

What is a Ratio Utility Billing System? (RUBS)

Simply put, RUBS divides utility bills among residents of a property based on predetermined criteria. A cost-effective solution for property owners to recoup expenditures while also proportionately sharing conservation responsibility with residents in a fair and acceptable manner. Beyond the financial benefits, conserving the Earth's natural resources is in our collective interest. 

Utilities NOT Included — Now More than Ever

Posted by Livable Content Team on Sep 1, 2020 9:36:00 PM

At Livable we provide utility management and cost recovery solutions for commercial and residential properties. Although you can't regulate the rates, you can take steps to keep costs at a minimum. In the fall of 2020, over 7 million in California were filing jobless claims since businesses began closing in March, many moved in with loved ones to save money or left the state altogether.

Livable is Committed to Teaching your Team About Ratio Utility Billing

Posted by Livable Content Team on Sep 1, 2020 3:21:00 PM

At Livable we provide a Ratio Utility Billing System designed to help reduce your environmental footprint while generating revenue for your property. You may have started a conservation program in your properties, let the Livable team further your savings and teach you new and improved ways to save. 

Confronting Climate Change

Posted by Livable Content Team on Aug 1, 2019 2:30:00 PM

At Livable, our livelihood is power and utilities, so, of course, we are big on how conservation and the wise use of our resources can counteract worrisome trends such as climate change. This global phenomenon has already impacted us in California with the now-continuous threat of drought and wildfires and will only get worse if we don’t make energy conservation a priority. 


Smart saver tip of the month

Insulating water pipes is a quick and inexpensive way to lower water-heating costs. The easy upgrade reduces heat loss and allows you to lower your buildings’ water temperature setting by two to four degrees. Plus, since water doesn’t take as long to heat up, less of this precious resource is wasted waiting for faucets and showers to get to the appropriate temperature.

On smaller buildings, this is a definite DIY job that should take less than a day to complete. Check out the U.S. Department of Energy’s website for a comprehensive shopping list and step-by-step instructions.