Latest stories on utility-billing

4 Common Utility Billing Mistakes That Hurt Your Bottom Line

Posted by Livable Content Team on Apr 11, 2022 10:00:00 AM

In a world of softening rental markets and rising utilities, utility cost recovery is essential to your bottom line!  Even a simple mistake in your billing system can end up costing thousands. Avoid these four common utility billing errors to keep your investments healthy.

Utilities NOT Included — Now More than Ever

Posted by Livable Content Team on Sep 1, 2020 9:36:00 PM

At Livable we provide utility management and cost recovery solutions for commercial and residential properties. Although you can't regulate the rates, you can take steps to keep costs at a minimum. In the fall of 2020, over 7 million in California were filing jobless claims since businesses began closing in March, many moved in with loved ones to save money or left the state altogether.


Smart saver tip of the month

Insulating water pipes is a quick and inexpensive way to lower water-heating costs. The easy upgrade reduces heat loss and allows you to lower your buildings’ water temperature setting by two to four degrees. Plus, since water doesn’t take as long to heat up, less of this precious resource is wasted waiting for faucets and showers to get to the appropriate temperature.

On smaller buildings, this is a definite DIY job that should take less than a day to complete. Check out the U.S. Department of Energy’s website for a comprehensive shopping list and step-by-step instructions.